

Michael LaRoque


As your Secretary-Treasurer, Michael is voted in by and serves all White Earth Reservation members on and off the reservation. Please stay tuned for further updates from your Secretary - Treasurer!

December 2024 Secretary-Treasurer Report

Aanin Boozhoo,
Greeting White Earth Members, I have the honor of providing you with the monthly report of the
Secretary/Treasurer position for the White Earth Tribal Council. This monthly report will consist of a
Self-Governance, and a Travel Report.

Self-Governance Report
The White Earth Nation is a Public Law 280 and a Self-Governance Tribe and receive funds under the
Self-Governance Compact. FY2024 Self-Governance funds for our Compact Divisions was $3,327,277 and
these funds supported the following divisions, Tribal Court, Education Scholarships, Adult Basic
Education, Direct Employment, Human Services, Indian Child Welfare, Dove Program, Natural
Resources, Conservation, Forestry, Water Resources, Fisheries, and JOM.

The Self-Governance funds for the Non-Compact Divisions were $3,547,187.31 and these funds covered
these divisions: Contract Support, Litigation, Forestry Development, Wildland Fire Prevention,
Facilities and Administration, Public Safety, Roads Maintenance, and Construction, Planning, and White
Earth Land Settlement Act. These Self-Governance funds are distributed throughout these divisions, but
some funds are specific to each of their divisions and can only be distributed to these divisions.

Travel Update
On Oct. 15-16, I attended the Midwest Alliance of Sovereign Tribes meeting in Green Bay, Wis.
Topics included the Tiwahe Initiative and the BIA Roads Maintenance and Construction Formula, with
other important issues amongst all the Midwest Tribes. On Oct. 22-23, I attended the Minnesota
Chippewa Tribe/Tribal Executive Committee meeting at the Northern Lights Casino in Walker, Minn. On
Oct. 22, Tribal leaders attended all subcommittees and on Oct. 23 the full TEC meeting. One topic that was
discussed was an Amendment to the MCT Enrollment Ordinance to align with the MCT Constitution. This
would allow all Minnesota Chippewa blood to be recognized by the MCT Tribes. This will take a vote by
the TEC to amend the enrollment ordinance. There will be a Special TEC meeting on Dec. 12 at 3 p.m. in
Hinkley, Minn. On Oct. 27-Nov. 1, I attended the 81st Annual National Congress of American Indian Convention
and Market place in Las Vagas. I attended all General Assembly and NCAI Midwest Regional Caucuses,
Task Force meetings, subcommittee meetings.

There were two important resolutions that were passed during the Final Assembly by the NCAI board.
The first resolution was the Red Lake Resolution that allowed the Federal Government to return all lands
surrounding upper Red Lake to the Red Lake Band through Treaty. The second resolution was the Tiwahe
funding resolution making Tiwahe funds move from Discretionary funding to Direct full funding for all
Tribes that are currently receiving the funding. Both these resolutions passed at the final assembly. There
was also a long discussion on co-stewardship of Federal Forestry lands within the reservation boundaries
in the Alaska region that would affect the lower 48 states.

On Nov. 18-22, I traveled to Washington, D.C., with Self Governance Coordinator Nakoa Graff to the
in-person Tribal/Interior Budget meeting. We attended all subcommittee meetings on Nov. 18-20, these
committees were Public Safety and Justice, Data Management, Education, Transportation, Budget,
Land, Water and Natural Resources, and Economic Development.

On Nov. 21-22, we attended the TBIC Main Session, where there were several resolutions passed
by the TBIC Council. At the Transportation subcommittee a resolution calling on the BIA Division of
Transportation to Conduct a Third-Party Review of the Tribal Transportation Program Funding
Distribution Formula. The Midwest Region is being underfunded in the road maintenance and
Construction areas and this resolution would examine the short falls in funding in these areas.

There were also discussions about the Tiwahe Initiative of which White Earth Nation is an incubator
Tribe and receives $100,000 and are seeking to become a full Tiwahe Initiative Tribe to receive full
funding. The Tiwahe Initiative provides Tribes with the opportunity and funding to assess their own needs
and design their own models to improve the health, safety, and wellbeing of families. This funding is
direct funding to the Tribes.

All Resolutions passed by both the NCAI and TBIC Committee are Legislative fixes and will have
to be passed by the Federal Government during legislation. I hope everyone had a great time at the
Veterans Day Pow Wow at the Shooting Star Casino and had a happy and safe Thanksgiving holiday. I wish
everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

In closing I want to thank the members of the White Earth Nation for giving me this opportunity to
serve as the Secretary/Treasurer for this great nation. I look forward to moving forward with great progress
and optimism and I hope we can work together for a brighter future.

Michael J. LaRoque

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