Michael LaRoque
As your Secretary-Treasurer, Michael is voted in by and serves all White Earth Reservation members on and off the reservation. Please stay tuned for further updates from your Secretary - Treasurer!
January 2025 Secretary-Treasurer Report
Aanin Boozhoo,
Greeting White Earth Members, I have the honor of providing you with the monthly report ofthe Secretary/Treasurer position for the White Earth Tribal Council. This month I will be providing an update on RBC building and vehicle assets, and an update on the Angelo Medure property.
RBC building and vehicle assets
The White Earth RBC has a total of 126 buildings on inventory that are occupied and unoccupied within the Reservation and surrounding areas such as the Urban offices, Cass Lake, Duluth, Bemidji, Moorhead, and Bagley. These buildings provide essential services to our membership in a vast numbers of areas.
The White Earth RBC has 384 vehicles on inventory that are used for each division within the Reservation Business Committee. These vehicles are insured and maintained by each division. The vehicles provide essential services for our membership.
In 2016, the White Earth Band reached a settlement agreement with Angelo Medure after a multi decade
litigation over Angela’s intent to defraud the Band in gaming management contracts. As part of the 2016 settlement, ownership of the Medure property in Lawrence County, Penn., was transferred to the White Earth Band and Zenas Baer - the Band’s attorney in the litigation. Also, pursuant to this agreement, the White Earth Band would buy out Baer’s ownership-essentially deferring payment of attorney fees owed to Baer. The White Earth Band is moving forward with this buy out and an update will be provided when the transaction is complete.
I hope everyone had a happy and safe Holiday season and continue to have a great winter with the beginning of the Pow-Wow season starting with the New Years Eve Pow-wow at the Naytahwaush Complex. We are moving forward into the future with another successful year ahead of us.
In closing I want to thank the members of the White Earth Nation for giving me this opportunity to serve as the Secretary/Treasurer for this great nation. I look forward to moving forward with great progress and optimism and I hope we can work together for a brighter future.
Michael J. LaRoque