Welcome to the White Earth Reservation Tribal Court
The mission of the White Earth Nation Tribal Court is to provide a forum to restore peace and reconciliation through fair and impartial conflict resolution founded upon the Ojibwe culture and values.
White Earth District Court
The White Earth District Court consists of a Chief Judge and two associate judges. All judges of the White Earth Court are licensed attorneys and must abide by the White Earth Code of Judicial Conduct. The District Court handles civil regulatory matters including but not limited to child welfare, juvenile court, civil commitments, domestic relations (marriage licensing, divorce, child custody, alimony, visitations, child support, name changes, etc), protection from domestic abuse (OFP), adoptions, guardianships, small claims, traffic matters, and natural resources.
White Earth Appellate Court
The White Earth Appellate Court consists of a Chief Justice and two associate justices. All justices of the White Earth Appellate Court are licensed attorneys and must abide by the White Earth Code of Judicial Conduct. Appeals from the District Court shall be heard by a panel of three Appellate Court Justices.
White Earth Band of Ojibwe, Minnesota DNR ~ General Civil
Defendant's Notice of Motion to Dismiss
Defendant's Memorandum in Support to Dismiss
Plaintiff's Response to Motion to Dismiss
Order to Dismiss Defendant's Motion to Dismiss
DNR Motion for Stay of Proceedings
Plaintiff's Response to Motion for Stay
Plaintiff's Request for Temporary Restraining Order
DNR Letter to Federal Court Requesting Leave to Move to Reconsider
DNR Principal Brief of Appellants
Order Dismissing DNR and Staying Further Proceedings Pending Appeal
White Earth Nation, Minnesota DNR, Manoomin, et al. ~ Appeal
Respondent's Motion for Injunction and Exhibits A-L
DNR Response to Plaintiff's Motion for Injunctive Relief
Respondent's Response Brief and Exhibit A
Rights of Manoomin Motion for Reconsideration with Exhibits
DNR Opposition to Motion for Reconsideration
White Earth Manoomin Supplemental Brief
Manoomin Order re Supplemental Briefing on Motion for Reconsideration
Legal Department
The White Earth Legal Department primary mission is to represent and protect the Tribe. The Legal Department provides assistance to the Tribal Council, tribal programs, businesses and committees by reviewing contracts, MOU’s, enforcing tribal ordinances, treaty rights, protect the Tribe’s assets and interest and all legal matters relating to the Tribe.
Regional Native Public Defense
If you are a Leech Lake or White Earth Member and need representation in a criminal matter, please contact the Regional Native Public Defense to apply for services. Service Areas are in Cass County, Becker County, Clearwater County, Beltrami County, Mahnomen County and Itasca County.
Anishinabe Legal Services
Anishinabe Legal Services is a Legal Services Corporation (LSC) grantee and independent 501(c)(3) non-profit that provides free legal assistance to low-income individuals living on or near the Leech Lake, Red Lake, & White Earth Reservations in Northwestern Minnesota.
Legal Department Infomation
White Earth, MN 56591
Legal Department Staff
Legal Services
Endazhi-nanandawi’igaadegin Gideminaanin (Where our Hearts are Healed)
Peacemaking plays an important role in indigenous justice practices. It is a traditional conflict resolution process that focuses on problem-solving and healing relationships. Participation in Peacemaking is voluntary, and it encourages people to solve their own problems in a safe environment. Sessions are facilitated by our Peacemaker to ensure that the process achieves balance and equality to all participants.
Assistant Tribal Probation Officer Initiative
The Assistant Tribal Probation Officer Initiative serves tribal members on probationary supervision or supervised release through holistic, cultural, evidence-based, collaborative services on the White Earth Reservation to support individuals in becoming healthy, productive and independent, while also minimizing recidivism and creating opportunities for change and growth.
Learn MoreOgema, MN 56591
Mahnomen, MN 56557
Mahnomen, MN 56557
Guardian Ad Litem Program
A guardian ad litem (GAL) is court appointed to investigate what the best interests of the child are in cases involving matters such as child protection, orders for protection, custody and divorces. The GAL will advise the court on matters such as where the children should reside, whether the child is harmed by substance abuse, and what contact the child should have with a parent.
The Legal Department tracks changes in State and Federal Government including Legislators, legislation, decisions, rulings and relevant court decisions to determine how they may impact the Tribe and closely reviews all contracts.
White Earth/Becker & Mahnomen Counties DWI Court
Alcohol Offenses Only
The White Earth/Mahnomen County DWI Court will provide accountability and culturally specific treatment to the high risk/high need DWI offender thereby enhancing public safety and creating healthier families and communities.
The White Earth/Mahnomen County DWI Court hopes to accomplish this mission by achieving the following goals:
- Promote public safety by reducing the number of DWI incidents, thereby saving lives.
- Provide individualized, culturally specific treatment programming as a sustainable alternative to incarceration.
- Assist high risk/high need DWI offenders to become productive citizens and healthy family members.
White Earth/Mahnomen County Healing to Wellness Drug Court
Drug Offenses Only
Improving the participant quality of life through clean sober independent, and productive living; with the option of voluntary exposure to the best-practices principles of an Anishinaabe. The Mino-Bimaadiziwin (The Good Life) traditional/cultural model of living life in a good way including the seven teachings ( Love, Respect, Courage, Honesty, Wisdom, Humility and Truth).
The goal of the Program is to reduce drug-related crime and improve the quality of life for all residents by providing a balance of treatment, sanctions, incentives and services to substance abusing offenders in a judicially supervised program that makes available Anishinaabe and Western best-practices healing services, for the purpose of ensuring the chance of achieving and maintaining Mino-Bimaadiziwin (The Good Life) health of our community.
The Program strives to accomplish this mission by:
- Protecting the public through increasing public safety, reducing crime/recidivism, and making participants and the community whole by giving clients the option of both Modern and traditional support options.
- Improving communication among all stakeholders, which will in turn increase effectiveness between agencies.
- Improving the quality of life of the participants in leading clean, sober, independent and productive lives; with the option of participating in the best-practices principles of an Anishinaabe Mino-Bimaadiziwin (The Good Life) traditional/cultural model of living life in a good way.
The tools used to provide this assistance include strengths-based treatment planning and case management, substance abuse treatment, rigorous court supervision, evidence based incentives and sanctions, best practices, as well as the collaboration of inter-disciplinary team members. The Healing to Wellness Court provides access to holistic, structured, and phased alcohol and drug abuse treatment and rehabilitation services that incorporate the option of Anishinaabe Mino-Bimaadiziwin (The Good Life) best-practices culture and tradition.
Tribal Historic Preservation Office
Genawenjigaadeg Anishinaabe-gikendaasowinAaniin and welcome! It is the mission of the White Earth Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO) to locate, protect, and preserve White Earth cultural resources so that knowledge, history and traditions are accessible to the White Earth people and passed down for generations to come.
Learn MoreCodes & Ordinances
View full legal documents for legal codes and ordinances.
Learn MoreTribal Court Staff
PO Box 289
White Earth, MN 56591
Garnishment - Guardianship - Housing - OFP - Probate - Small Claims
Child Support - Civil Commitment - Employment Appeal - General Civil - Paternity
Adoption - Child Protection - Juvenile - SPR/TPR - Truancy
Conservation - Custody/Visitation - Dissolution Marriage - Name Change - Traffic