Food Distribution Programs on Indian Reservations is an alternative to SNAP, aka Food Stamps. FDPIR is administered by USDA/FNS providing food and nutrition assistance to low income families and supports American Agriculture by distributing high quality, 100% American grown USDA foods.
Nutrition support services are provided to consumers on making healthy food choices in coordination with physical activity. Food demonstrations & cooking classes are offered according to lesson plans. Fitness equipment is readily available at FDP site.
Food services are offered to home bound individuals with documented need and limited transportation, specifically the elderly and handicap.
See our household food grocery list here!

W.E. Food Distribution
8 - 4:30, Monday-Friday
(218) 935 2233
Home Deliveries scheduled monthly to various locations on & near WE Reservation boundaries.
Also, visit and for more information on the distribution of food throughout the reservation.