Honor Overall Wellness and Health (H.O.W.A.H)
To enhance organizational health by fostering interest and encouraging employees to initiate or expand healthier lifestyles, provide diverse wellness programming to meet a wide range of personal health needs, recognize employees for participating in healthier lifestyles activities, decrease absenteeism due to illness and stress, and develop a positive culture of health that is focused on celebrating and improving the quality of life for all employees. The wellness project will demonstrate health promoting and disease preventing behaviors with the intent that the benefits gained by each employee will be compounded and manifest within the entire White Earth Reservation Community.
- Promote physical activity, healthy beahaviors and wellness amount employees
- Educate employees on the benefits of physical activity and healthy behaviors and on risk factors associated with chronic disease and reduced health/wellness
- Provide on-site physical activity programs and promote other opportunities on-site and in the community that encourage employees to be active
- Provide on-site lectures, classes and individual consultations on healthy behaviors and wellness and promote other on-site and community resources that do the same
- Assess the current level of fitness and wellness of employees and identify potential risk factors associated with chronic disease and reduced health/wellness

AAIP’s mission is to support innovative, culturally sensitive environment and policy approaches to improve nutrition and physical activity in American Indian communities. AAIP has awarded the White Earth Wellness Project monies to implement and disseminate community wide policies, systems, and environmental changes related to obesity prevention through improved nutrition and increased physical activity. We will utilize these funds to purchase a salad bar cooler for the White Earth RTC cafeteria and purchase 1 year of food from a local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) farm. For more information click here.
Additional Resources
Monthly Motivational Calendar - A daily list of motivational items to help keep you moving each month.
Eagle Times - A monthly newsletter for associates of the White Earth Reservation Business Committee.
The Village Business Institute - Employee Assistance Program - This is a no cost service to all employees providing confidential and comprehensive counseling services for employees. Click here or use the link above and then use WERTC in the username field. Phone inquiries may dial (800) 627-8220