The White Earth Nation has over 19,000 members living throughout the world! We are the largest Tribe in the state of Minnesota, in geographic size and population.
Click here for some great information on MCT Membership.
This office is available to assist individuals who are already enrolled or are seeking enrollment into the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe. The regulations for enrollment are governed by the Revised Constitution and Bylaws of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe (MCT) and must fall under one or more of the following categories outlined in the constitution
You may find and review the MCT Enrollment Ordinance in the 'Forms' tab.
The Revised Constitution and Bylaws of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, in Article II-Membership, defines the requirements for membership into the Tribe as follows:
Section 1. The membership of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe shall consist of the following
(a) Basic Membership Roll. All persons of Minnesota Chippewa Indian blood whose names appear on the annuity roll of April 14, 1941, prepared pursuant to the Treaty with said Indians as enacted by Congress in the Act of January 14, 1889 (25 Stat. 642) and Acts amendatory thereof, and as corrected by the Tribal Executive Committee and ratified by the Tribal Delegates, which roll shall be known as the basic membership roll of the Tribe
(b) All children of Minnesota Chippewa Indian blood born between April 14, 1941, the date of the annuity roll, and July 3, 1961, the date of approval of the membership ordinance by the Area Director, to a parent or parents, either or both of whose names appear on the basic membership roll, provided an application for enrollment was filed with the Secretary of the Tribal Delegates by July 4, 1962, one year after the date of approval of the ordinance by the Area Director
(c) All children of at least one quarter (1/4) degree Minnesota Chippewa Indian blood born after July 3, 1961, to a member, provided that an application for enrollment was or is filed with the Secretary of the Tribal Delegates or the Tribal Executive Committee within one year after the date of birth of such children
Sec. 2. No person born after July 3, 1961, shall be eligible for enrollment if enrolled as a member of another tribe, or if not an American citizen
Sec. 3. Any person of Minnesota Chippewa Indian blood who meets the membership requirements of the Tribe, but who because of an error has not been enrolled, may be admitted to membership in the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe by adoption, if such adoption is approved by the Tribal Executive Committee, and shall have full membership privileges from the date the adoption is approved
Sec. 4. Any person who has been rejected for enrollment as a member of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe shall have the right of appeal within sixty days from the date of written notice or rejection to the Secretary of the Interior from the decision of the Tribal Executive Committee and the decision of the Secretary of Interior shall be final
Sec. 5. Nothing contained in this article shall be construed to deprive any descendent of a Minnesota Chippewa Indian of the right to participate in any benefits derived from claims against the U.S. Government when awards are made for and on behalf and for the benefit of descendents of members of said tribe.
In addition, The Minnesota Chippewa Tribe Tribal Executive Committee approved the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe Enrollment Ordinance on July 30, 2003, which clarifies the requirements for enrollment, provides further direction on the application process, and describes how to file an enrollment appeal. The Enrollment Ordinance is a useful and easy to read resource for those who want to know more about the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe’s enrollment process
The enrollment staff works hard to complete regular duties such as: processing enrollment applications; producing statistical data on enrollment figures; conducting research for enrollment appeals; maintaining the Tribal database; and processing address changes, name changes, birth and death records, Certificates of Indian Blood, and Indian Preference Forms
Enrollments Department Information
8am - 4:30pm, Monday-Friday
White Earth, MN 56591